Monday, March 15, 2010

2nd Bee results! DSB in the news.

Congratulations to Colie Hoffman, winner of the 2nd Durham Spelling Bee!

What a great time we all had!  While there were fewer in attendance this time (I neglected to account for Spring break and some kind of basketball tournament thingy), there were more
far more words than before.  The Bee went 26 rounds, the final 16 of which added up to a head-to-head suspense-fest between Colie and Joe Nofziger, our 2nd place winner.  There was a wonderful spirit of camaraderie in the air.

The event was covered by a reporter and a photographer from The Herald-Sun.  They did a fine job of summing up the competition.  Check out the story and photos.  Thanks to Joe Van Gogh for providing prizes and for being such a delightful place to have fun and meet new friends.

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